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Can’t seem to find the time to browse through millions of options while shopping online, try Oliv?
Oliv helps you discover the best of online shopping, everyday.
Take the world of online shopping with you everywhere you go and get the best selection of fashion products (shirts, dresses, ethnic wear, shoes) by top brands & designer all across the Internet.
Oliv helps you save the ones you like and when you’re ready, shop directly from the app with a single touch.
Products across categories in Oliv includes:
~Mens shopping- Shirts, casual shirts, shoes, kurtas, half-shirts, sports shoes, boots, loafers.
~Womens shopping-Dresses, party dresses, kurti, lehenga, Anarkali dresses, jumpsuit, kurti, maxi dresses.
*Top 30 products updated regularly
*Swipe through products in various categories
*Shop from within the app
*Add products to My clothes to compare and buy later
*Social shopping –share products with friends on WhatsApp,Facebook, Messenger etc.,
*Shop from various sites and apps like Jabong, Flipkart, Koovs, abof, Amazon, stylista etc.,
Oliv is available for Indian ecommerce stores only.